Fed up with wrinkles, impurities and pigment spots and want to achieve a glowing complexion? Reasons why you should make retinol a staple in your daily routine. This active ingredient was discovered as early as 1913, but only now is it really arriving on the beauty scene. Retinol is a type of retinoid found in vitamin A. It increases enzyme activity, activates cell division and renewal, and minimises the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin. When we are young, the body gets vitamin A through food and then transforms it into retinol. The outer skin layer regenerates on average every 28 days. As we age, the regeneration of the skin layer takes longer, and the transformation of vitamin A into retinol is less frequent, depending in part on the heavy strain put on the skin by UV radiation. Due to this transformation process failing as we get older, the skin loses its suppleness. Products containing retinol such as a serum or cream are therefore the perfect beauty companion in the fight against the skin ageing process.
The effects of retinol in cosmetics?
- The best protection against skin ageing is sun protection – with retinol being close second.
- Retinol was originally used to treat acne, and today it is used as a remedy for many skin problems.
- Retinol is the pure form of vitamin A, which is really an effective active ingredient that speeds up cell replacement and the regeneration process of the skin.
- The body converts retinol into vitamin A acid, making the connective tissue cells work harder. If someone has too little vitamin A in their skin, they don’t work so hard. This causes the cells to collapse.
- Retinol inhibits enzymes that destroy collagen, which is also important for the firmness of the skin.
Our recommendations

Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A, which plays an important role in the structure of the skin. It stimulates collagen production and supports the skin with a strong framework, reducing wrinkle depth. This positively influences the thickness and elasticity of the skin as well as skin regeneration and complexion. Furthermore, retinol is contained in animal fats, fish liver oil and plants that contain beta-carotene, and is otherwise only produced synthetically. It is prohibited in ecological products.

You should use retinol-based products in the evening once you have already cleansed your face. Using retinol makes the skin is particularly sensitive to light and susceptible to damage. This makes the coming season the perfect time to supply your skin with vitamin A. If you decide to apply retinol in the mornings, you should always do so in combination with a cream with sun protection factor. The skin has to get accustomed to the effect of retinol, so it needs a certain time to be at its most effective. It is normal for the skin to react – this means that the product is taking effect and that you can start waving goodbye to wrinkles and fine lines.
Care information
We recommend using a very low concentration of retinol for the first 6–8 weeks. You can easily integrate these products into your existing moisturising routine. Your should introduce retinol products into your routine slowly and gradually. Test the product 1–2 times a week – if no problems occur, you can increase the frequency after 3–4 weeks. If you are using too much retinol, you will probably only notice after 2–4 days – give your skin time to react to the active ingredient and observe the results. We recommend applying retinol products in the evening so that the active ingredient retinol is not damaged by UV rays. This will let your skin regenerate overnight. It is important to note that it is not always the highest concentration that has the be best result.
Types of retinol

Facial care
Blue Therapy
Blue Pro-Retinol Multi-Correct Cream
Blue Pro-Retinol Multi-Correct Cream
61.95 €
RRP:100.00 €

L’Oréal Paris
Laser Pressed Night Care
Laser Pressed Night Care
24.99 €

Drunk Elephant
Facial care
Masks and special care products
A-Passioni Retinol Cream
A-Passioni Retinol Cream
27.95 €

Facial care
Night Care
Retinol Night Moisturizer With Alpine Flower
Retinol Night Moisturizer With Alpine Flower
75.95 €

Estée Lauder
Skin care
Facial care
Perfectionist Pro Rapid Renewal Retinol Treatment
Perfectionist Pro Rapid Renewal Retinol Treatment
112.95 €

Facial care
Blue Therapy
Blue Retinol Resurface + Repair Night Serum
Blue Retinol Resurface + Repair Night Serum
52.95 €
RRP:89.00 €

Facial care
Retinol Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Serum
Retinol Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Serum
58.95 €

Facial care
Blue Elexir Retinol Serum
Blue Elexir Retinol Serum
23.95 €

Skin care
AGE Smart
Dynamic Skin Retinol Serum
Dynamic Skin Retinol Serum
108.95 €

Skin care
Facial care
Overnight Retinol Oil
Overnight Retinol Oil
33.95 €