Weleda Pharmaceuticals Balsamic Spirit of Lemon Balm
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Balsamic Spirit of Lemon Balm,
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Weleda is not only an established name in the field of beauty care, the natural cosmetics manufacturer's extensive range also includes products for health care. Balsamic Melissa Spirit, for example, is the perfect partner for gastrointestinal complaints. Nausea, vomiting or even menstrual cramps can be treated naturally with this distillate.
Natural health care with the best medicinal plants from Mother Nature
Lemon balm leaves, combined with the natural extracts of various spices, have a harmonising effect on your body. Balsamic lemon balm spirit warms your body from the inside and has an antispasmodic effect. At the same time, your circulation is stabilised. Irritations in the gastrointestinal tract, such as travel sickness, vomiting, dizziness, a tendency to faint and circulatory weakness, can be treated in a natural way. The antispasmodic, warming effect can also be extremely beneficial for menstrual cramps. Balsamic Melissa Spirit from Weleda is taken with sugar or a little water. For toothache, it is recommended to rub a few drops into the gums and skin. You can find more health care products from Weleda in our online shop.Contents
10 g (= 11 ml) enth.: 3,67 g Destillat aus: 0,11 g Angelikawurzel; 0,065 g Gewürznelken; 0,075 g Koriander; 0,45 g Melissenblättern; 0,22 g Muskatsamen; 0,15 g Zimtrinde; 0,006 g Citronenöl (Drogen : Ethanol 29 Gew.-% = 1 : 6,7) Enthält 63 Vol.-% Alkohol.
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